Wednesday, September 15, 2021


                                             FILM FORM 

Filmmakers use a range of key elements to construct their films, often expressing complex ideas and emotions through them. These key elements consist of cinematography, mise-en-scène, editing, sound and performance and  provide an important starting point in learners' study of film both individually and in combination with one another. 

Detailed advanced video covering most examples

Website with range of resources

 Cinematography, including lightingcamera shots , angles and framing 

including point of view shots, focus including depth of field, expressive and canted angle shots, handheld camera in contrast to steadicam technology • the principles of 3 point lighting including key, fill and backlighting • composition, including balanced and unbalanced shots • monochrome cinematography • how all aspects of cinematography can generate multiple connotations and suggest a range of interpretation  and convey messages and values•   how cinematography, including lighting, is used to align spectators and how that alignment relates to spectator interpretation of narrative • how cinematography, including lighting, contributes to the ideologies conveyed by a film.  • how cinematography including lighting can be indicative of an auteur approach (director or cinematographer) • how cinematography contributes to a film’s overall aesthetic. 

Mise-en-scène • how the principal components of mise-en-scène (setting, props, costume and make-up) can generate multiple connotations and suggest a range of possible interpretations 

• how changes in mise-en-scène contribute to character and narrative development • how mise-en-scène conveys messages and values and ideology  • how the significance of mise-en-scène is affected by cinematography, in particular through variation in depth of field, focus and framing • how mise-en-scène can be used both naturalistically and expressively • the significance of motifs in mise-en-scène, including their patterned repetition and how it contributes to a film's overall aesthetic and how use of mise-en scene can be indicative of an auteur approach 

Editing the shot to shot relationships of continuity editing including parallel editing ,shot/reverse shot,  match editing, the 180° rule and the role of editing in creating meaning  • 

how the principal components of editing can generate multiple connotations and suggest a range of interpretations • how editing implies relationships between characters and contributes to narrative development including through editing motifs and their patterned repetition • how editing conveys messages and values and ideology • how visual effects (created in post-production) are used, including the way they are designed to engage and align the spectator and create an emotional response.• how editing can be indicative of an auteur approach (director or editor) • how editing contributes to a film’s overall aesthetic

  Sound •  sound effects, dialogue other spoken word and music ;

 distinction between parallel and contrapuntal sound, whether diegetic or nondiegetic, foley sound and sound used expressively • how the principal components of sound can generate multiple connotations and suggest a range of interpretations • how sound relates to characters and narrative development including the use of sound motifs • how sound conveys messages and values  • how sound is used to align the spectator and how that alignment relates to spectator interpretation of narrative •  how sound contributes to the ideologies conveyed by film.  • how sound can be indicative of an auteur approach (director or sound designer) • how sound contributes to a film’s overall aesthetic.

plus at A level


 • the use of non-verbal communication including physical expression and vocal delivery • the significance of the interaction between actors • performance styles in cinema including method and improvisatory styles • the significance of casting.  • the relationship between performance and cinematography. Conveying messages and values • how performance conveys messages and values • how performance is used to align the spectator and how that alignment relates to spectator interpretation of narrative • how and why different spectators interpret the same performance differently • how performance contributes to the ideologies conveyed by film. Indication of an auteur approach and film aesthetic • how performance can be indicative of an auteur approach (director or performer) • how performance and choreography contributes to a film’s overall aesthetic

Sunday, September 12, 2021


Camera shots, angles framing, movement.

Lighting and colour


Studiobinder guide and video resources about shot types,angles and movement   HERE 

This is an excellent and detailed guide.


general : Edgar Wright visual comedy

David Fincher framing and movement

Opening shots video essay 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021





Parallel editing  in Silence of the lambs


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Monday, June 7, 2021